So, i’m using a Time Line and i need view only a all days of week. I don’t need view a full month and a full year, i just need navigate in all Days of week(sun,mon…).
I do not want to see the days of the month, days of the year or years. I just want to see the days of the week and their schedule, something fixed, do not want to display date.
cheduler.config.limit_start = new Date(2014, 6, 1);
scheduler.config.limit_end = new Date(2014, 6, 8);
scheduler.config.limit_view = true;
But my page is broken, because I do not know how to configure a TimeLineView I need to see a scale with step 10 minutes, and each page would display a period of 5 hours, so I used the function as follows: scheduler.createTimelineView ({
name: “timeline”
x_unit: “minute”,
x_date “% H:% i”
x_step: 10, / / 10 minutes
x_size: 30, / / 1 = 10minutes; 30 = 5hours
x_start: 0, / / start on midnight (00:00)
x_length: 30, / / i do not know configure this
y_unit: sections,
y_property “section_id”
render: “bar”
this does not work, click the button next to the display, break schedules, know how to help me?
we can confirm the issue. When limit_view is used with the timeline and it is scrolled within a day (+/- 5 hours, as in the demo), the navigation freezes. We’ll try to get a fix ASAP. Will be attached to this topic.
I need a limit view of 7 days, and a time step 10 minutes, and x_size 25 or less, i can’t , because by clicking on the arrow navigation does not appear the following hours of the same day, and navigation is locking