Hi all,
I have this code for my goal:
var html="<div class='dhx_cal_ltext'><table><td><div id='c1' style='height:10px;'></div></td><td><div id='c2' style='height:10px;'></div></td><td><div id='c3' style='height:10px;'></div></td><td><div id='c4' style='height:10px;'></div></td></table></div>";
return html;
if (!this._node_init){
node.combo1 = new dhtmlXCombo("c1", "c1", 150);
node.combo2 = new dhtmlXCombo("c2", "c2", 150);
node.combo1.attachChildCombo(node.combo2, "php/name.php?parent=$mask");
node.combo3 = new dhtmlXCombo("c3", "c3", 50);
node.combo2.attachChildCombo(node.combo3, "php/surname.php?parent=$mask");
node.combo4 = new dhtmlXCombo("c4", "c4", 150);
node.combo3.attachChildCombo(node.combo4, "php/types.php?parent=$mask");
this._node_init = true;
var a = ev.category = node.combo1.getComboText();
ev.name = node.combo2.getComboText();
ev.surname = node.combo3.getComboText();
ev.types = node.combo4.getComboText();
return a;
Lightbox section is:
{name:"category", height:21, type:"combo_select", map_to:"category"},
I have the appropriate fields in “render_table”.
This code work and save in my DB.
The problem is:
If I edit the event without refresh the page it’s Ok, but if refresh the page and edit the event I lost the values in combogroup fields of lightbox “category,name,surmane,types”.
Can you help me ?
Thank You