Help with custom excell column

Hello! We are testing your product for purchase (need pro version in order to use column splitting / frozen columns)… Anyway, so far - seems great!

Your custom excell feature is essential to our requirements.

The only location I can find for info on how to implement them is here: … formatters

Unfortunately - this documentation is not giving me enough information to succeed. I am using your eXcell_button example verbatim - and I am only getting blank cells in return. Could you post a working example somewhere? I looked at the samples included with the download of your library and the one that seems to be about excell does not actually demonstrate defining a custom cell - it seems to use your built in types? Very confused!


More info… Please help!

getting this error:
Error type: Configuration
Description: Incorrect cell type: colorcells

code snippet:

function buildGrid()
    function eXcell_colorcells(cell){
        if (cell){
            this.cell = cell;
            this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid;
            if (val=="X")"green";
            else if (val=="Y")"yellow";
            if (this.cell._clearCell)
                return "";
            return this.cell.innerHTML.toString()._dhx_trim();

    eXcell_colorcells.prototype = new eXcell;

    $('#divGrid').width(window.innerWidth - 30);
    $('#divGrid').height(window.innerHeight - 100);

    var colWidthString = "100,";
    var colString = "Unit,";
    var header2ColString = ",";
    var colTypeString = "ro,"
    var alignString = "right,";

    for (var dayIdx=0; dayIdx<=_numOfDays; dayIdx++)
        var thisDate = addDaysToDate(_fromDate, dayIdx);
        colString += getNormalAmericanDateStringNoYear(thisDate) + ',#cspan,';
        header2ColString += 'inquiries,rate,';
        colTypeString += 'colorcells,ro,';
        alignString = "right,right,";
        colWidthString += "75,75,"

    colString = colString.substr(0, colString.length-1);
    header2ColString = header2ColString.substr(0, header2ColString.length-1);
    colWidthString = colWidthString.substr(0, colWidthString.length-1);
    alignString = alignString.substr(0, alignString.length-1);
    colTypeString = colTypeString.substr(0, colTypeString.length-1);

    _dataGrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('divGrid');

yeah - nevermind.
cell function can’t be defined as a closure.
figured it out. thanks.

This is not noted in the documentation very well. You must add the custom columns to the global scope. Developers looking to drop the component into their apps will likely run into issues with this.