Hidden/Visible input field

I have a form with 2 radio buttons (Full / Limited)
and 3 input fields (A, B and C) with validate:“NotEmpty” option.

When the radio button “Limited” is selected, input field “C” is hidden.

How can I know the “status” of this input file ? (e.g. Visible or Hidden) to program my own validation rule ?



You can add custom validate function for “C” field:
{type: “input”, name: “C”, validate: function(value){ myForm.isItemHidden(“C”) {…} else {…} }, …}

can’t make it work like that…

That’s what I’ve done:
in formData (loaded by doOnLoad() function):

{ type:"input", name:"C" , label:"Enter C:" , validate:"isNotEmpty_C"  }

And after the doOnLoad() function, I wrote my custom validation rule :

function isNumeric_ofr_int(value) {
    if(myForm.isItemHidden("block_ref_ofr_full"))    {return true;}
    else { return dhtmlxValidation.isValidInteger(value) }

Thanks for your help

Sorry, I paste the wrong function.
Here the correct one

function isNotEmpty_C(value) { if(myForm.isItemHidden("C")) {return true;} else { return dhtmlxValidation.isNotEmpty(value) } }

Merry Christmas


Please check attached demo
40.zip (31.5 KB)