Hide and show the rows inTree Grid


I have one dhtmlxtree and one Tree Grid. I have dragged and dropped from dhtmlTreeGrid to Tree. If i remove the record from dhtmlTree then it should be reloaded into dhtmlTreeGrid in same place with same image folder. Is it possible otherwise shall i hide & show the rows in dhtmlxTreeGrid?

Note: If we can hide and show then it is so useful for me.

Please help me.

Thanks & Regards,


If i remove the record from dhtmlTree then it should be reloaded into dhtmlTreeGrid in same place with same image folder
Do you what delete records with drag-n-drop or using som API method?
To customize drag-n-drop you can use events:
onBeforeDrag, onDragIn/onDragOut, onDrag, onDrop

>>Is it possible otherwise shall i hide & show the rows in dhtmlxTreeGrid
You can hide row in treeGrid using method setRowHidden(id, state) where id - row ID, state - true/false - hide/show row
List of all availible API methods you can find here dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … grid_api_a