In my calendar I have set many custom fields and an event that “busy” the hours when the office is closed (from 13:00 to 14:30).
I modify the scheduler.templates.event_text=function(start,end,event) (that you can say in template tabs in joomla back end) to display many custom fields and some fixed words.
I need that for some events… in particulary two events that i repeat forever, nothing appear. Just show the “CLOSED” write.
No my template it’s in this way:
return "Professionista Delegato - RGE " + event.rge + " Immobiliare - " + event.comune+" - "+event.indirizzo_immobile+ " - "+scheduler.getLabel("vendita", event.vendita);
I need something like this
IF (eventiwant) return "CLOSED"
return "Professionista Delegato - RGE " + event.rge + " Immobiliare - " + event.comune+" - "+event.indirizzo_immobile+ " - "+scheduler.getLabel("vendita", event.vendita);
I hope I explained myself, I’m not english