Hide Sections in Lightbox Form

I am feeding the calendar two distinct types of events and based on an event property, I need to hide/disable form sections. I have not defined a custom object in the form, just added several sections beyond the defaults. The docs indicate you can hide a section, which I have attempted as follows:

        var style = (ev.category == "6") ? "" :"none";
        node.style.display=style; // editor area
        node.previousSibling.style.display=style; //section header
        scheduler.setLightboxSize(); //correct size of lightbox

However, this hides all text areas when condition is met. Is there a way I can achieve this for just sections needed? Do I need to define each of these as custom objects similar to this:

scheduler.form_blocks["my_editor_section"]={ render:function(sns){ //sns - section configuration object return "html code of editor here"; }, set_value:function(node,value,ev){ //custom code here }, get_value:function(node,ev){ //custom code here } }

Is there a way I can achieve this for just sections needed? Do I need to define each of these as custom objects similar to this.

Yes, you should create the new block if you want to execute the different logic for it.

Please help me with code snippets for custom form creation.

My Code Snippet

var old = scheduler.showLightbox;
var edit_id = null;
scheduler.showLightbox = function(id){
edit_id = id;
function after_submit(){
old.call(scheduler, edit_id);
function show_custom_form(){
document.getElementById(‘my_custom_form’).style.visibility = “visible”;
document.getElementById(‘my_custom_form’).style.display = “”;

custom html form

1 2 3

Please help me.

Thanks in advance