Hiding Cell's value

I am trying to hide first column’s cell values for some rows, though the values are coming for every cell of the first column.

By searching I found I can use the following code to hide a cell’s value, and it does hide them :-

mygrid.setCellTextStyle(mygrid.getRowId(rowId), 0, "visibility:hidden");

But this also takes away the highlighting part of those cells, i.e. hovering the mouse on those rows leaves the first column’s cell and highlights rest of the row, which does not looks good as the rows which have values are highlighted completely.

I will appreciate, if someone can advise on how to highlight complete row with hiding of a column’s cell value.


a) you can just nullify the value of cell in question

var cell = mygrid.cells(id, index); cell.cell._backupValue = cell.getValue(); //if you will need the cell value later cell.setValue("");

b) you can use per-cell typing , in xml

<row …><cell type=“ch” …

and create a custom excel which will not render anything.

Thanks Stanislav, it works great.

Only thing I have to do is get the value back during db insert/update dataprocessor calls.
