Horiz bar chart has artifact: [objec on the left side?

seems to be a challenge to get the horizontal chart to work for me

finally has much of the layout acceptable, not great but ok, except on the left it has:

[objec and the ‘t’ is probably on the line edge. this is on the left side. have gone thru each of the variables one by one for hours. nothing gets rid of this.

the example was from the dhtmlx web

var myBarChart;
function doOnLoad() {
myBarChart = new dhtmlXChart({
view: “stackedBarH”,
container: “chartDiv”,
value: “#sales#”,
label: “#sales#”,
color: “#58dccd”,
alpha: 0.2,
xAxis: {

        yAxis: {
            start: 0,
            step: 5,
            end: 100


    myBarChart.parse(multiple_dataset, "json");

You did not specify “x” and “y” axes correctly:

myBarChart = new dhtmlXChart({
				view: "stackedBarH",
				container: "chartDiv",
				value: "#sales#",
				label: "#sales#",
				color: "#58dccd",
				alpha: 0.2,
				xAxis: {
					start: 0,
					step: 5,
					end: 100

				yAxis: {
					template: "#year#"


			myBarChart.parse(multiple_dataset, "json");