How can I create element dynamic by js

I need to create element by js.
I have config like this:
scheduler.config.form = [
{view: ‘richselect’, name: ‘’, labelWidth:130, label: ‘Program Type’, id: ‘programTypeSelect’, datatype: ‘json’,url:‘timeline.ota?getTypeProgram’},
{view: ‘richselect’, name: ‘’, label: ‘Program’, id: ‘programSelect’, datatype: ‘json’,url:‘timeline.ota?getProgram’},
{view: ‘richselect’,name: ‘’, label: ‘Units’, id: ‘unitSelect’, datatype: ‘json’},
{view: ‘richselect’, name: ‘’, label: ‘Workload’, id: ‘workloadSelect’, datatype: ‘json’},
{type:“clean”,id:“hourSection”, cols:[
{view:“counter”, id:“hoursLength”,css:“hoursLength”,on:{“onAfterRender”:checkVisibleOt}, label: scheduler.locale.labels.label_hours, step: 1, valueWidth: “auto”, value: 0, min: 0, max: 24, labelWidth: 100, labelPosition: “left”, labelAlign: “left”},
{view:“counter”, id:“hoursLengthPt”,on:{“onAfterRender”:checkVisiblePt}, label: scheduler.locale.labels.label_hoursPt, step: 1, valueWidth: “auto”, value: 0, min: 0, max: 24, labelWidth: 100, labelPosition: “left”, labelAlign: “left”},

				{view:"text",  labelWidth:100,  id:'text',   label:scheduler.locale.labels.label_event, name:'text'},
				{view:"datetext", id:'start_date', css:"hideDate", label:scheduler.locale.labels.label_start, name:'start_date', dateFormat:scheduler.config.form_date},
				{view:"datetext", id:'end_date', css:"hideDate", label:scheduler.locale.labels.label_end,   name:'end_date',   dateFormat:scheduler.config.form_date},
				{view:"toggle",   on:{"onAfterRender":function(){this.hide();}}, id:'allDay',     label:"", align: "right", value:"0", options: [
				{view:"rectext",  on:{"onAfterRender":function(){this.hide();}}, id:'rec_type',     label:scheduler.locale.labels.recurring.repeat, readonly:true},
				{view:"textarea", id:'details',    label:labels.label_details,  name:'details',	 height:150},
				{view:"input",     id:'event_length', type:"hidden"},
				{view:"input",     id:'eventType', type:"hidden"}

And in this place
{type:“clean”,id:“hourSection”, cols:[
{view:“counter”, id:“hoursLength”,css:“hoursLength”,on:{“onAfterRender”:checkVisibleOt}, label: scheduler.locale.labels.label_hours, step: 1, valueWidth: “auto”, value: 0, min: 0, max: 24, labelWidth: 100, labelPosition: “left”, labelAlign: “left”},
{view:“counter”, id:“hoursLengthPt”,on:{“onAfterRender”:checkVisiblePt}, label: scheduler.locale.labels.label_hoursPt, step: 1, valueWidth: “auto”, value: 0, min: 0, max: 24, labelWidth: 100, labelPosition: “left”, labelAlign: “left”},
I want to create new elements (text fields and labels) by javascript dynamicly.
Please help me.
P.S. Sorry for my english


there is no possibility to add new fields in editForm after it is created. Fields should be defined before scheduler initialization. If you want to show some fields in some special cases, you can add these field into initial form configuration with “hidden” state. And if “dynamic” fields need to be displayed, you can call show() method for them.

{ view: “text”, hidden: true, …}