How can I load the 'sections' in Timeline view

I’m using .NET and trying for look for some sample or help on loading the sections on the left side from a ‘resource’ SQL table that contains the names of the employees… can someone please point me in the right direction

thanks :slight_smile:

You data xml must contain the next section

<data> <coll_options for='type'> <item value='1' label='Simple'></item> <item value='2' label='Complex'></item> <item value='3' label='Unknown'></item> </coll_options> ... normal events data ... </data>

Where type - name of field which you are using for the timeline sections.

I’m sorry for being an idiot - I don’t understand what you meant:

my init() in the index.aspx is:
var sections = [
{ key: 1, label: “James Smith” },
{ key: 2, label: “John Williams” },
{ key: 3, label: “David Miller” },
{ key: 4, label: “Linda Brown” }

and the details in the Data.aspx is:

<% foreach (var myevent in Model) { %>


<% } %>

so, how exactly and where can I load the sections - I am storing the sections in a table called Resources - separate from the Events table - obviously

again, I spent a few hours (if not more) trying to look at all the forums, docs, and examples before contacting you - but the light switch is just not turning on :frowning:

thanking you in advance,


Your server side code look similar to next

<data> <coll_options for='section_id'> <% foreach (var record in Resources) { %> <item value='<%= %>' label='<%= %>'></item> <% } %> </coll_options> <% foreach (var myevent in Model) { %> .... </data>