How can i make one calendar for one room.


I have 4 rooms. but, my calendar seems like function only for one room. when user click room 1 & do booking, it succeed & stored there. but when user choose another room, the same event created appear. so it seem like it use the same calendar. how can i separate one calendar for each room.

you may filter-out events of unselected rooms,

scheduler.attachEvent("onEventCreated", function(event_id,event_object){
     scheduler.getEvent(event_id).roomId = currentRoom;//attach room id to the new events
scheduler.filter_day = scheduler.filter_week = scheduler.filter_month = function(ev_id, event){
     return (event.roomId == currentRoom);//only events of the current room will be displayed


connector.Request.Rules.Add(new FieldRule("roomId", Operator.Equals, currentRoom);//only events of current room will be loaded