To enable filtering your example uses
to fetch the data from single table.
How can I pass an argument value to the second parameter of “enableFilteringMode” method to render the data from the several tables.
For example
var z=new dhtmlXCombo(“combo_zone5”,“alfa4”,200);
var id = z.getSelectedValue();
z.enableFilteringMode(true, "" “+id”,true);
The “enableFilteringMode” method in the last line doesn’t accept the second argument.
Any workarounds?
Still no answer!
var z=new dhtmlXCombo(“combo_zone5”,“alfa4”,200);
var id = z.getSelectedValue();
In this code snippet you are trying to get the value of an empty Combo.
z.enableFilteringMode(true, "" “+id”,true);
"" “+id” is an incorrect JS string. The correct one is " "+id
If you want to redefine the url of the combo filtering, you can just call the method again with new url. For example:
z.enableFilteringMode(true, url1 , true);
z.enableFilteringMode(true, url2, true);
z.enableFilteringMode(true, urlN, true);
I have two combo zones. Using logic of your example I do:
var z=new dhtmlXCombo(“combo_zone1”,“alfa1”,200);
var z1=new dhtmlXCombo(“combo_zone2”,“alfa2”,200);
Then I populate the second combo and make filtering for it
z.attachEvent(“onChange”, get2Combo);
function get2Combo(id) {
var id = z.getSelectedValue();
z1.loadXML(" "+id);
z1.enableFilteringMode(true," "+id, true);
The last line throws the error by the servlet container, i.e. I can’t pass the an argument to “enableFilteringMode” method to make the filtering for already constructed combo list. “” uses the “render_sql” method to get the data from the several tables, as opposed to “combo/02_sql.html” in your example that uses the “render_table” method to get the data from the single table.
How can I make the correct filtering?
Try the following
z.attachEvent(“onChange”, get2Combo);
function get2Combo(id) {
var id = z.getSelectedValue();
z1.enableFilteringMode(true," "+id,true);
The last line throws the error by the servlet container
Please check that the servlet processes parId parameter correctly.
This doesn’t work. Parameter “parId” is correct, because
z1.loadXML(" "+id);
works fine. But the filtering for that generated list uses another method “enableFilteringMode” which doesn’t accept parameter in the its
z1.enableFilteringMode(true," "+id,true)
“EnableFilteringMode” would work fine if it looked like
with no “id” extra argument.
Are you with me now? So let’s try again my questions.
Any workarounds? How can I make the correct filtering for that sample?
enableFilteringMode method allows to set custom parameters in the url. Make sure that your server-side script returns correct xml if parId is set.
You may provide a direct link to the problematic page (as private message if it is needed).