How can I to do For DataView reload

Hi,Long time no see,I used Dhtmlx from 3.6 to now.I’ve found a lot of change,I’m not very comfortable.So,I used Dhtmlx 6.4.2 for suite_gpl.I have a few questions
1.Where the funciton for load xml files;
2.How can I to do For DataView reload data;
3.How can I to do For Change CSS.
4.Where the Java Connector for Dhtmlx 6.4.2

1.Where the funciton for load xml files;

Loading the data from the xml files aurrtently is avaialble in PRO version only:

2.How can I to do For DataView reload data;

All the data components of new dhtmlxSuite 6 use the dataCOllection helper to operate with the data.
It allows to unify the API and use teh common data fromat for any dhtmlx component.
So, to reload the dataview data you need to call:

3.How can I to do For Change CSS.

Could you please, clarify what component you want to modify and the changes you are interested in.
Each component has the following individual article in the docs:
explaining the basic css classes of the component.

4.Where the Java Connector for Dhtmlx 6.4.2

There is no connectors for the dhtmlxSuite 6 compoents.
dataCollection support Rest API so it is indifferent to the using backend. All yuou need to do is to generate a valid JSOIN and can be loaded to your dhtmlxComponent.

Thanks.Thank you very much.