How can "period time" change?


I’m korean…i have used → “dhtmlx scheduler”…

You know…korea time format → 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"…

i don’t know default time period order change!
(hh:mm DD-MM-YYYY)

i’d like to time period order…

I will attach Current situation…(upload jpg)

Thank you for reading my article!

You can change the date format in different labels across the scheduler … figuration

But order of inputs in the lightbox form can’t be changed without code modifications.

Thank you for your answer.

I tried modifying the code was actin.

time: {render: function ()…},
get_value: {function (B, A )…}

about modifying the code that has been successful.

They do not fix properly, but this part.
-> set_value:function(D,E,C){…}
parametter ‘C’ of the value, time value of parts still to 0,
ie, time was not only the value settting properly.

So I was thinking.
without modifying the core library, whether you were going to create user-defined section.

Or modified source, I asked about how to solve them once again thank you for answers.

You can redefine time section and store such code in external js file - so you will be able to use it with next versions of scheduler.

a) copy time block from sources/lightbox.js ( not compressed code )
b) paste it in new file and define time block as

scheduler.form_blocks.time = { …copied data… }

now if you will include on page


scheduler will use time section from your file

c) in you file replace order of selects in render function and indexes in set_value, get_value methods

Answer Thank you.

Performed as per your offer, well have to fix.

But one problem remains.

Attached as shown, time is part of the problem.
time_picker part I will not be set to default settings.

Stuck in a time section does not seem to initialize parts.

This is my config is set to be initialized.

/* scheduler config */
scheduler.config.scroll_hour = 7;

I registered at the time of the first schedule, the schedule start time of 7:00 to 8:00 is initialized as if.

0:00 to 1:00 now that is initialized to.

If you reset the opinions and information how to ask what to do.


Please note that

scheduler.config.scroll_hour = 7;

is not changing default date in any way. This options simply defines which hour will be at the top of the screen, after view mode update.

Try creating events using drag and drop, if it sets start and end date correctly then everything is ok this the modified time sections.

Best regards,