How do I crate a Grid in v6.4.1?

I’m using the 6.4.1 version, but I can’t find a document, so I’m asking here a question.
When I create a grid, the “dhx_grid-content” and “dhx_grid-body” classes are zeroed in height.
And there’s only one case of data on the grid.

<div style="height: 100%; width: 100%" id="grid"></div>
const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid", {
	    columns: [
	        { minWidth: 150, id: "country", header: [{ text: "Country" }] },
	        { id: "population", header: [{ text: "Population" }] },
	        { id: "yearlyChange", header: [{ text: "Yearly Change" }] },
	        { id: "netChange", header: [{ text: "Net Change" }] },
	        { id: "density", header: [{ text: "Density (P/Km²)" }] },
	        { id: "area", header: [{ text: "Land Area (Km²)" }] },
	        { id: "migrants", header: [{ text: "Migrants (net)" }] },
	        { id: "fert", header: [{ text: "Fert. Rate" }] },
	        { id: "age", header: [{ text: "Med. Age" }] },
	        { id: "urban", header: [{ text: "Urban Pop" }] }
	    data: dataset,
	    adjust: true
	const rowId =;
	grid.addCellCss(rowId, "country", "my_сustom_сlass");
	grid.addCellCss(rowId, "netChange", "my_сustom_сlass");

Also, is there a way to upgrade from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2?

Please, make sure that you have the defined the height for your document.body. Like:

		html, body {
			width: 100%;
			height: 100%;
			margin: 0px;
			padding: 0px;
			overflow: hidden;

Also, is there a way to upgrade from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2?

these are the minors updates, so there were no significant API changes just some fixes:

You may try to download the 6.4.2 build from your client’s area (if it is still available) and use it. Your app should not break, though I recommend you to update to the latest available dhx.Grid build (7.3.14 for now).
More details about the migration you can find here: