How do I install dhtmlx in Wordpress

I am currently using WordPress 3.4.2 and the Suffusion (v4.4.4) template for a site I’m building. I’d love to include the dhtmlx framework into my wordpress so I can use some of the cool features (mainly the slider), but I’m not really clear on where to start. I could not find a CDN for the dhtmlx (unlike jquery or moo tools). In my template, I can add a URL for a .js or .css file and thankfully, the template will do the rest for me. But other than that, I’m unsure how to get started w/this whole new framework to get inside my wordpress. I’ve read through instructions, but it’s all a tad foreign to me. Can anyone help here and/or point me in the right direction?

Thank you in advance for your reply.

There is no CDN, but you can download dhtmlx suite package unzip it, and include js and css file from local folder.

dhtmlx components are purposed for web-app building, so if you just need to enchance user expirience with existing page, by converting input to slider it may be better to use jQuery plugin.

If you need to use a flexible slider component, which can be fully controlled by js api - that is the case for dhtmlx slider usage.

Thank you for the reply. So the dhtmlx is for web-app building and not so much for website/page building or enhancement. I’ll go with jquery since I’m more familiar w/that.

Thanks again.