How do i make carousel content dynamic?

Hi All,
I need to make my carousel work like page list,I tried a lot but couldnt get it.I have noted my code as well.
Thanks in advance.

var sources = [
{id: 1, src: “assets/img/full-width/1.jpg”},
{id: 2, src: “assets/img/full-width/2.jpg”},
{id: 3, src: “assets/img/full-width/3.jpg”},
{id: 4, src: “assets/img/full-width/4.jpg”},
{id: 5, src: “assets/img/full-width/5.jpg”}, ]

     function custome_tpl(obj){
     var html =   '<div class="appWrapperP">';
     html +=   '<div class="appWrapperP">';
     html += '<div class="content">';
         html += '<img src="'+obj.src+'" width="462px" height="275px" border="0" style="margin:8px 8px 15px 8px" /></div>';
    html += '</div>';
    html += '</div>';
    html += '</div>';
     return html;    

dhx.ready(function() { = true;
    dhx.env.touch = true;

        view: "multiview",
        cols: [{

                view: "carousel",
                id: "carousel",
                cols: [


                        data: sources,
		template: custome_tpl,
                      // for (i = 0; i < 5; i++){
                        //template: custome_tpl,

                panel: false,



“carousel” is layout-based component. So, data property can not be used for it. Try to use cols or rows and define cells as views, not data items. Here is the example:

var sources = [
{ id: 1, view: “template”, template: custome_tpl, data: { src: “assets/img/full-width/1.jpg” } },
{ id: 2, view: “template”, template: custome_tpl, data: { src: “assets/img/full-width/2.jpg” } },
{ id: 3, view: “template”, template: custome_tpl, data: { src: “assets/img/full-width/3.jpg” } },
{ id: 4, view: “template”, template: custome_tpl, data: { src: “assets/img/full-width/4.jpg” } },
{ id: 5, view: “template”, template: custome_tpl, data: { src: “assets/img/full-width/5.jpg” } }

view: “carousel”,
id: “carousel”,
cols: sources

Thanks for reply Alexandra.
But since i need to get data from other server which is in json and need to arrange them like in carousel view. So any idea??
this is json data ;
[{“id”:“19”,“title”:“Title 1”,“image”:"assets/files/1.jpg},{“id”:“20”,“title”:“Title 2”,“image”:"assets/files/3.jpg}]
json data wont be limited.
var sources =

view: “carousel”,
id: “carousel”,
cols: sources
How can make this in carousel view?any solutions?

You should create carousel after data are loaded. Initially you can create an empty layout where you will add carousel then. Here is how it can be done:

id: “layoutId”,

// loading data
dhx.ajax(“”, function(text){
// converts data to an object
var data = dhx.DataDriver.json.toObject(text);
// carousel config
var config = [{
cols: data,
// layout creation

Thanks Alexandra