How do I refresh the data in the Gantt chart after making a save call?

I have created a form that needs to be filled out whenever someone draws an event in the Gantt timeline. When the user draws an event, a form pops up on the UI, and they have to fill it out to display the event on the UI. I need help with this - when the user submits the form, I call the save API to save the data in the backend. However, the issue I’m facing is that in order to display the event the user created on the UI, I have to refresh the page. I would like to know if there’s a way to automatically refresh or reload the Gantt chart to display the new data after the save API call.

plz help me @ramil @ArtyomBorisevich

You can try


If you modified the task via API methods, usually, you can use the gantt.refreshData() the method which redraws the data in the gantt chart:

or gantt.render() which redraws the whole gantt chart: