How to alter html in each day of addMarkedTimespan section?

I have a timelineview with marked timestamp that spans across several days. For description I use html property and I add there the start and end time of the event. The problem is that the same html content appears in each day. Which is confusing when the event spans through the whole day. So I wonder if there’s some callback or trick that I miss, that would allow me to alter html content for each day that the marked timestamp appears in?

I made a snippet here

So in my snippet I would like to change the html for Aug 7 to 00:00 - 24:00 and for Aug 8 to 00:00 - 12:00. Is it possible, or do I need to call addMarkedTimespan() multiple times for each day?

Thanks for help!

Hello @Luk_Puk,
unfortunately, there is no simple way to set the custom value for each day in the marked area. The most simple way is to call addMarkedTimestamp() for each day.