How to change cell background color with an ajax validation


I want to change the background color of cell on editing depending on the result of an async ajax call.

I’ve link onEditCell event to my grid and I can make it work using a sync ajax call. But it slows down the grid performance.

if(stage == 2 && ind == 0) //valiation numero serie


var loader = dhtmlxAjax.getSync(“ajax/dsi_verif_numserie_existe.php?sNumeroSerie=”+value);

if(loader.xmlDoc.responseText == “true”)

gridNumeroSerie.cells(id,ind) = ‘red’;


gridNumeroSerie.cells(id,ind) = ‘’;


I’d like to use a async ajax call to do the same but I don’t know how to pass the cell id and index to the ajax response function so that I can set the cell background color depending on the responseText of the loader object.

Actually it is pretty simple, due the javascript nature, the local variables will be locked in “after-load” function scoope, so you need not any special steps

if(stage == 2 && ind == 0) //valiation numero serie
//all incoming parameters of above event still available here
if(loader.xmlDoc.responseText == “true”)
gridNumeroSerie.cells(id,ind) = ‘red’;
gridNumeroSerie.cells(id,ind) = ‘’;