how to change icon based on the status of the element?


I am using dhtmlxtree in my application. i want display the child elements with different image. for example i am fetching element from database. Based on the element status (0/1) i have to display different image (red/green). How to do that?

It is better if i have any chance to get this functionlaity in xml generation time?


It is better if i have any chance to get this functionlaity in xml generation time?
You can define"im0", “im1”, “im2” attributes in xml, which are urls to the images , which can be used for the item (im0,im1 - folder in closed and opened states, im2 - leaf icon )

<item id=“some” im2="red.gif"

by default tree will look for images in its imgs folder. … dhtmlx_xml

It is better if i have any chance to get this functionlaity in xml generation time?
You can define"im0", “im1”, “im2” attributes in xml, which are urls to the images , which can be used for the item (im0,im1 - folder in closed and opened states, im2 - leaf icon )

<item id=“some” im2="red.gif"

by default tree will look for images in its imgs folder. … dhtmlx_xml