how to change the colour of the day in the month view

Hi, i’d like to set the different font color of the day in the month view from the default.
is there any way to do that ?
As you know, the day colour of saturday is blue and sunday is red in the real world?


Please check \scheduler\samples\02_customization\04_month_days_coloring.html sample in scheduler package.

Best regards,

Hi dear,
I’ve done it before i asked you based on the sample as follows:
In fact, I’ve got one of the past posts you recommended.
However, my client doesn’t want just to set the background color of holiday in the month view.
is there any way to give a different font color to the day number located in the day cell in stead of the day cell background, if it’s saturday , sunday or holiday?


I may have missed ‘font color’ part, sorry.

Sure, you need to work with CSS a bit, for example:

.good_day .dhx_month_head{ background-color: #EE91EC; color: blue; }
Now ‘good_day’ events will have blue font color in header of day cell.

Best regards,

wow, thaks a lot. that’s exactly what i want.