How to connect dhtmlx tree with grid

Hi ,
I am very new to dhtmlx.i want to know in detail ,How to connect dhtmlx tree with grid.
For example dhtmlx tree contains book informations . when i click on each book ,then information related to that book author, price ,number should appear in grid .If any one have complete sample code .It would be very useful.Please help me.


when i click on each book ,then information related to that book author, price ,number should appear in grid .

you may set onSelect event for the tree. Event handler gets the id of the selected item. This id could be used to send the reguest to the server:

tree.attachEvent("onSelect",function(itemId){ grid.clearAll(); grid.loadXML(url+"?tree_id="+itemId); })

Here url refers to the server-side script that generates a grid xml.