Thank you for the links.
I was able to show the data but not edit it…
The guide says I should be able to edit the data as well, so I’m not sure what I wrote wrong in my code…
This is my code:
if ($conn->is_select_mode())//code for loading data
$conn->render_sql("Select * from employees, login_info where",
"","id, first_name, login");
else //code for other operations - i.e. update/insert/delete
There is no way to edit data in many tables at once.
You can configure connector to load data from many tables, and save only into one ( one render_table command only )
I’m able to show the data of multiple tables.
However, as you said I should only be able to “edit the main table, not the joined one” But unfortunately I cannot edit even the main table with the following code:
if ($conn->is_select_mode())//code for loading data
$conn->render_sql("Select * from employees, login_info where",
"","id, first_name, login");
The changes don’t get saved…
I also tried a complex query, but that also doesn’t work:
if ($conn->is_select_mode())//code for loading data
$conn->render_sql("Select * from employees, login_info where",
"","id, first_name, login");
$conn->sql->attach("Update","Update employees set first_name='{name}' where id={id}");
First I’d like to be able to edit just one table with a JOINED view, if that works I wanna try going further by making the joined table also editable.
Now I can’t do either…
What I don’t understand in this example is the ‘’, where does this ‘a’ come from?
if ($grid->is_select_mode())//code for loading data
$grid->render_sql("Select * from tableA, tableB where",
else //code for other operations - i.e. update/insert/delete
Shouldn’t it be ‘’ ?
I used ‘’ in my code above, maybe this is why I cannot save my edits.
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