How to debug dhtmlxTree professional version 2.1 - Error

I am getting the following error. There must be a problem with the formation of the tree data.

Error type: DataStructure

Description: XML reffers to not existing parent

I need help debugging the problem. I have read about using dhtmlxcommon_debug.js and also about dhtmlxError.catchError.

1. Where can I get the 2.1 pro version of dhtmlxcommon_debug.js ?

2. I have tried

dhtmlxError.catchError(“loadXML”, myLoadErrorHandler);

dhtmlxError.catchError(“ALL”, myLoadErrorHandler);

The error is caught for “ALL” but not for “loadXML”. In the callback, there is no 3rd parameter, so I cannot get any detailed info, only:


DataStructure,XML reffers to not existing parent, undefined

3. Can you suggest other ways to diagnose the problem?

Thank you.

– Rowan

The dhtmlxcommon_debug.js is the same for both PRO and STD editions - attached file.

>> The error is caught for “ALL” but not for “loadXML”. In the callback, there is no 3rd parameter, so I cannot get any detailed info, only

Yes, “DataStructure” error doesn’t provide other details about error.

This issue can be caused by incorrect top item id or by incorrect xml structure.

tree=new dhtmlXTreeObject(“treeboxbox_tree”,“100%”,“100%”,0);

If the issue isn’t resolved, please provide the example of the problematic xml. (6.2 KB)