How to deny or disable to drag in the left side task?

I am using paid version of Gantt . As per the requirement, I should not allow the user to drag the start date .

is there any option to disable the drag option only for start date at the same time need to allow the user to drag end date ?

I have used “onBeforeTaskDrag” method , but if i return as false , both start and end date not able to drag. But I need to allow only end date .

Kindly help us to resolve this issue . error

Aravind L

You can hide the draggable start_date element with CSS:

.gantt_task_drag[data-bind-property="start_date"] {
    display: none !important;

Please see an example:

I think that we’ll add the section “Disabling resize of specific tasks” in the documentation. I’ll let you know as soon as we publish it.

Thanks for your quick reply. sorry for delay response. I have one more doubt.

Currently i have disabled the drag (start date) for all the task by adding the css which you given .

if I want to enable the drag (start_date) for specific task means how to achieve ?

kindly help us .

Aravind L

You can add a property to the task object, such as allow_resize: true. Then using gantt.templates.task_class you can add a CSS class that will hide the resize elements, except for specific tasks:

gantt.templates.task_class = (start, end, task) => {
    if (task.allow_resize) {
        return "";
    return "no_resize";

The style could be like this:

.no_resize .gantt_task_drag[data-bind-property="start_date"] {
    display: none !important;

Please see an example:

Thanks for your kind reply. it is working, I have one more doubt .

is there any way to identify the drag position (whether the user drag the start date or end date ) ?.

If you need to find out which date is being changed by resize, you can use the gantt.getState().drag_from_start flag:

gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDrag", (id, mode, e) => {
    if (mode === "resize") {
        if (gantt.getState().drag_from_start === true) {
            gantt.message("start_date has been changed");
        } else {
            gantt.message("end_date has been changed");
    return true;

Please see an example:

By the way, we added the sections Disabling resize of specific tasks, Which side of a task is being resized and Disabling resize of the start or the end date of a task, please take a look, maybe there will be useful information for you.