how to disable edit occurrence button

i want to disable edit occurrence functionality so how can i disable that button


there is no a special configuration to do this, but you can modify the “dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js” file, from line 501 :

buttons:[locale.labels.button_edit_series, locale.labels.icon_cancel], callback: function(index) { switch(+index) { case 0: return showSeries(pid); case 1: return; } }

Has anything changed in this regard? I’m using C# and am hoping to disable the “delete occurrence” overlay and have the edit behave as it would for a single event (except that it would edit all occurrences when clicked).

Hello @JJ_M,

There is still no special functionality for such a case.
You can redefine recurring modal which fires before lightbox in the dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js file, from 895 line, which is part of the showLightbox function:

	if (c == 'ask') {
		var that = this;
			text: locale.labels.confirm_recurring,
			title: locale.labels.title_confirm_recurring,
			width: "500px",
			position: "middle",
			buttons:[locale.labels.button_edit_series, locale.labels.button_edit_occurrence, locale.labels.icon_cancel],
			callback: function(index) {
				switch(+index) {
					case 0:
						return showSeries(pid);
					case 1:
						return that.showLightbox_rec(id);
					case 2:
	} else {