How to display day/week/month views in server time

We have identified that the dhtmlxScheduler displays on client’s local date &time
(ie date+timezone).We need to display dhtmlxScheduler in server date &time(date+timezone) .Is there any option to configure it directly.


I’m not quite sure what do you mean. Normally scheduler just shows incoming data, so if you have in XML start time as 17:00 - scheduler will show it as 17:00 without relation to the server and client side timezones.

There is a special mode, in which client assumes that incoming data is in UTC and makes conversion to local time zone, but it is disabled by default.


      I dont mean that displaying events in client's local time,but showing calendar's month/week/day view  in server time.

Suppose the server date-time is 21-May-2010 10:00:12 am gmt+05:30 and client’s local date-time is 12-jan-2010 10:00:12 am gmt-06:00 ,the monthView shows date-time as 12-jan-2010.The same thing happens in week/day views.We need to display Month/Week/Day Views based on server time,ie 21-May-2010 10:00:12 am gmt+05:30 .


Initial state of scheduler is controlled by parameters of scheduler.init

Init scheduler with current local time, default


Init scheduler with custom start time

scheduler.init('scheduler_here',new Date(2010,4,21),"week");

It will change the initial view, but day, which calendar marks as “today” still will be defined by client-side time. ( you can redefine logic of today button , if it is necessary in your case )