how to enable and disable a tab

I am using “right” tabs in my project.when user click on the tab I am able to display the tab content using tabbar.setContentHref().Again if user click on that tab,it has to be disable,can u tell me how to do this

tabbar.attachEvent(“onTabClick”, function(id,prevId) {
if (id == prevId)
return true;
Method ‘onTabClick’ will be documented soon.

Hi Darya,
I am able to get the “id” and “prevId” in the second time when i click on the tab,If condition is satisfying but the tab is not disabling.It is showing the same tab content after clicking second time on the tab also

Hi Darya,
I am able to get the “id” and “prevId” in the second time when i click on the tab,If condition is satisfying but the tab is not deactivating.It is showing the same tab content after clicking second time on the tab also

I thought that you need to desable tab…
What do you mean in “disable” in your case?