How to find the unit in which the click happened.

I am trying to determine in what user’s column has someone clicked resulting in the onBeforeDrag event. For all other modes its fine but for create mode how can I find the information on which user column is being clicked in?


Update dhtmlxscheduler_units.js file.
Now you can use following code:

scheduler.attachEvent("onBeforeDrag", function(event_id, mode, native_event) { var pos = scheduler._mouse_coords(native_event); // getting mouse coords var mode = scheduler.getState().mode; // saving current mode if(scheduler._props && scheduler._props[mode]){ // if we are in the units view.. view = scheduler._props[mode]; // save object with units view properties var unit = view.options[pos[view.map_to]]; // got unit object, e.g. { key: 1, label: "test" } } return false; });
Best regards,
Ilya (1.76 KB)

The code below is giving me problems.

	var a=scheduler._props[this._mode],d=m.apply(this,arguments);
		var c=this._drag_event;
		var e=Math.min(d.x+a.position,a.options.length-1);
		d[a.map_to] = a.options[e].key;
	return d;

What happens is that when i try to do create an event the onBeforeDrag event is triggered and
and it calls the above method as

var pos = scheduler._mouse_coords(native_event_object);

The first time I try to create an event everything works as it should. I cancel the event and dont save it. Now i try to create the event again, the above method fails and says the ‘c’ is undefined.

Below I am giving you the values of all the variables involved for both 1st and 2nd runs

1st run.

this._mode = “unit”
a = Object { map_to=“ProviderID”, options=[4], step=1, more…}
this._drag_event = undefined
this._drag_event = Object {}
c = Object {}
this._drag_id = undefined
this._drag_mode = “create”
a.position = 0
a.options.length = 4
d.x = 1
e = 1
c = Object { ProviderID=“bc4fd768-a18d-4fe7-8d08-fc6be46f2d36”}
d = Object { x=1, y=119, ev=Event mousedown, more…}
// below elements are part of d object
ProviderID = “bc4fd768-a18d-4fe7-8d08-fc6be46f2d36”

ev = mousedown clientX=753, clientY=188

x = 1

y = 119

d.x = 0
d.custom = true

2nd run
the control goes in the if statement as the drag_id is the same as the new light box and then c becomes undefined. and then the onBeforeDrag stops working.


Thank for the feedback.
I’ve attached updated version, now it should work correctly and even a bit more easy to write :slight_smile:

scheduler.attachEvent("onBeforeDrag", function(event_id, mode, native_event) { var unit_id = scheduler._getUnitByEvent(native_event); var scheduler_mode = scheduler.getState().mode; // saving current mode if(scheduler._props && scheduler._props[scheduler_mode]){ // if we are in the units view.. var view = scheduler._props[scheduler_mode]; // save object with units view properties var unit = view.options[unit_id]; // got unit object, e.g. { key: 1, label: "test" } } return true; });
Kind regards,
Ilya (4.12 KB)