In my application i have included a html page in my dhtmlxwindow as below…
now when i open this dhtmlxwindow some memory gets used by my browser . I am monitoring the memory usage on the WINDOWS Task Manager. But when i close the dhtmlxwindow by calling
the memory usage does not reduce. I open many dhtmlxwindows in my application and as i keep working the memory usage keeps increasing for my browser. Pls let me know how can i release or free memory when i close a dhtmlxwindow. For grids on my page i use mygrid.destructor();
Is there anything similar i can use…? pls help?
The version I used is 2.1
Similar issue was fixed at dhtmlxWindow 2.5. Please update your files dhtmlx.com/docs/support/what … d_demo.htm
My browser is ie, and when I close a window, call the method wins.unload (), but the memory still not released, there is a way to solve Mody?