how to get a rowID for checked rows

I have a onCheck event for radio button that will highlight my rows once it get checked.Now i want to get row id for the particular row that has been checked.





if (mygrid.cellById(id,cellInd).isChecked())


mygrid.setRowTextStyle(id,“background-color: #d8d8d8;”);


else {

mygrid.setRowTextStyle(id,“background-color: #fff”);




thanks in advance

onCheck even fired every time when you are clicking on the checkbox. Using your code can decrease grid perfomance.

Actually you can manipulate with state argument:


if (state) mygrid.setRowTextStyle(rowId,“background-color: #d8d8d8;”);

else mygrid.setRowTextStyle(rowId,“background-color: #fff”);

return true;


To color grid’s rows which are checked after grid was loaded you can use following code:


if (mygrid.cellById(id,cellInd).isChecked()){ //cellIndex - index of a row which contain checkboxes
mygrid.setRowTextStyle(id,“background-color: #d8d8d8;”);
else {
mygrid.setRowTextStyle(id,“background-color: #fff”);
