How to get character code from keyCode and shift?

I am trying to capture the input from user in a combo box, but I am noticing different behaviors. For example, in my onKeyPress event handler which gets triggered when the user first types into a combo box and looks like this:

[code]_onKeyPress : function(code, ctrl, shift) {

	this._lastKeyPress = code;
	if((code == 67 || code == Event.KEY_INSERT) && ctrl)

    if (code == 85 && ctrl)	// Ctrl + U: Update

I get the following when the I type *:

code = 16
ctrl = false
shift = true

If I type 8 i get:

code = 56
ctrl = false
shift = false

I have one more event handler for the onKeyPress event, this one for when they are already inside the combo:

[code]combo.event_id = combo.attachEvent(“onKeyPressed”, function(code, ctrl, shift, ev)
var combo = this._getCombo(this._lastSelRowId, index);
if (combo.lookupTimer)
combo.lookupTimer = null;

					combo.lookupTimer = window.setTimeout(function()
						var combo = this._getCombo(rowId, index);
						combo.lookupTimer = null;
						this._loadCombo(rowId, index, code);
					}.bind(this), 500);


and when I type * in it I get this:

code = 56
ctrl = undefined
shift = undefined

which is the same thing I get when I type 8:

code = 56
ctrl = undefined
shift = undefined

So, I have three questions here:

  1. Why do I get different behavior both times?
  2. Why do I get undefined for ctrl and shift in my second onKeyPress event handler?
  3. In my second event handler, how can I get the actual character the user typed, as opposed to a keyCode? In other words, if the user typed *, how can I capture that?

Could you provide us a completed demo to reproduce your issue, please? … leted_demo