how to get clicked cell id on onBeforeSelect method

Hi we are using dhtmlxgrid v 3.6, we have split columns and non split columns, on clicking on any cell in frozen column, row should not be highlighted(selected) whereas if i click the cell in non split column i have to highlight the entire row including the frozen column.

So we have tried to onBeforeSelect to check the cell that are in frozen column but we cant able to get the clicked rows cell id? is there any api method available to fix this issue?

Please, try to use the third attribute of the onBeforeSelect event:
mygrid.attachEvent(“onBeforeSelect”, function(new_row,old_row,new_cell){
// your code
return true

the documentation will be updated.

we have added the third parameter but it returning undefined. Please verify the attached POC.
and also onBeforeSelect calling mulitple times.

Code Added:

mygrid.attachEvent(“onBeforeSelect”, function(new_row,old_row,new_cell){
// your code
return true
}); (250 KB)

Please, try to update the version of your dhtmlxgrid. That parameter was added in 4.0 version of the dhtmlxgrid.