I am loading all the grid header in the XMl itself
in the Javascript I want to get the header column position
for example in column header
no task name Level1 Level2 Level3
these are the headers in the DHTML Grid…
if I give the header name Level1 and how to get header position in the Javascript
Please help me in the situvation
Thanks and Regards
You can use next syntax in XML
<column id=“level1” width=‘100’ type=‘ro’> Level1
And later in javascript
var pos=grid.getColIndexById(‘level1’)
Thank you for your Information…
If suppose the Headers are Dynamic one…
Can I check whether the Column Header is Exists or Not…
For Example the Level is from 1 to 10
Suppose I check is Level11 is exists or not…
Please provide some solution for this.
You can get count of columns as
If you need to check existence of some column , you can use approach described above
var pos=grid.getColIndexById(‘level11’)
if (typeof pos == “undefined”) alert(" level11 doesn’t exists ");