How To Handle Start Date

Hi, All

Here I want to customize the event start time as my requirement.
Now when i want to add a new event the start date is coming like this in the event Light box.

In the attach file the Start time is - 7: 20, It comes with the Light box when i double Clicked
in the time line between 07:00 - 08:00 for add a new event.

But i want the Start time should come as
7:00 when i double in between Time Line 07:00 - 08:00 ,
8:00 when i double in between Time Line08:00 - 09:00 ,
10:00 when i double in between Time Line 10:00 - 11:00

Can any body please help me how can i do it.



Add following before scheduler.init call:

scheduler.config.time_step = 60;

Best regards,

Thanks a lot Ilya.