How to I get the dhtmlxCalendar field values in my dhtmlxGri

I use dhtmlxCalendar in a dhtmlxGrid cell, I got all cell value from the method of getValue(), but can not get the dhtmlxCalendar field value…

init grid code :


cGrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘clientGrid’);











get value code :


getGridData: function(){

    var allItemID = new Array(0);

    var modiItemID = new Array(0);// copy of allitemid

    var a = 0; // modiItemID array index

    var iflag = 0;

    var saveFlag = false;

    var blankFlag = false;

    var gridColumns = this.getColumnCount();

    var dataXML = null;

    allItemID = this.getAllItemIds().split(",");

    // rows

    for (var i = 0; i < allItemID.length; i++) {

        var modiFlag = false;

        // columns

        for(var j = 0; j < gridColumns; j++){

            if(this.cells(allItemID[i],j) != null) {


                    modiFlag = true;


                var cellValue = this.cells(allItemID[i],j).getValue(); //==============this is the method getvalue


                if (cellValue != “” && cellValue.length != 0 && cellValue != null) {





        if (iflag > 1) {

            modiItemID[a++] = allItemID[i];



    if(modiItemID.length > 0){

        dataXML = “<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>”;

        for(var i = 0; i < modiItemID.length; i++){

            if(modiItemID[i].length > 0){

                dataXML += “”;

                for(var j = 0; j < gridColumns; j++){

                    dataXML += “”;

                    var cellValue = this.cells(modiItemID[i],j).getValue();

                    if(cellValue.indexOf("<") != -1){

                        dataXML += cellValue.substring(cellValue.indexOf(">")+1, cellValue.indexOf("</"));

                    } else {

                        dataXML += cellValue;


                    dataXML += “”;


                dataXML += “”;



        dataXML += “”;


    return dataXML;



pls help me, How to I get the dhtmlxCalendar field values in my dhtmlxGrid…

thanks verry, verry much

Is the issue solved ?

method getValue() works for all cell types and dhxCalendar as well. Please, check that value is set in the cell when you call getValue method.

I can get the vaule by “grid.cells(…).cell.innerHTMl”.

The date is insert calender cells when output the div html code , but I can’t get the value by getValue()

The value should be set using grid API to be got by getValue() method:
