How to increase performance: Faster event rendering

Hello all,

Im refactoring our timeline scheduler app. When I have many rows of data with many steps, noticable delay for rendering events (dhx_timeline_data_wrapper) / right side is much slower than the dhx_timeline_label_wrapper. There is even dead space (white space with no grid square) for a brief moemnt.

I imagine its because there are many more html elements to render.

What are some tips and guidance to make it a more smooth/ better UX.

Hello @jboll,

There are 2 main features, that may help you to increase scheduler performance:

The smart_rendering config, that makes scheduler, renders only content that is close to the viewport:,smart_rendering,--%20(boolean)%20enables

And the dynamic loading feature:

That forces the scheduler to load only events for some date range, instead of loading them all at once.

Kind regards,