How to jump to the timeline after click a event in other views

Can the scheduler component archive the following task?

Because I have a lot of events spread in some months, it’s tedious to click the Next or Previous button to position it in the timeline view.

Can I find a special event in the month or year view, then jump from it to the timeline view.

Hello @lypch ,

Yes, you can easily implement this functionality with the setCurrentView method which allows you to move to the different view programmatically, and the onClick event which fires on the lift mouse click on the event.
All that you have to do, is to get the date of the clicked event and pass it to the setCurrentView method.

The code may look like follows:

function moveToView(date){
  scheduler.setCurrentView(new Date(date), "timeline");

scheduler.attachEvent("onClick", function (id, e){
  return true;

Here is a demo:

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