how to know if an loadXML has happened?

im planning of catching the loadXML error…

is there a way to know if the error has occured?like events or anything…thanks…

You can catch error and prevent error message by using default error handling routine.

function myErrorHandler(type, desc, erData){
    //custom code can be placed here
    return false;
dhtmlxError.catchError(“LoadXML”, myErrorHandler);

The array contains additonal data related to error
    erData=[xmlHttpRequest , object]

First element - xmlHttpRequest object, which contain all data requested from server.
Second element - dhtmlx object, component which throw error while loading.

You can get any additional error info by checking xmlHttpRequest properties (xmlHttpRequest.responseText for example )

The moment when loadXML finished loading can be catched by using onXLE event of component.


i used

function myErrorHandler(type, desc, erData){
    //custom code can be placed here
    return false;
dhtmlxError.catchError(“LoadXML”, myErrorHandler);

to handle error durig loadxml, i just cant seem to return the frid object…

i have 2 grids on my page grid1 and grid 2…what im trying to do is when the error occurs i try to reload the grid which caused the error…
i do this by using erData, as youve said the second element is the object… so inside myErrorHandler i have a statement like erData[1].loadXML(“xml.xml”) (2nd element), something like that but the loadXML does not reload again…when i try to alert(erData[1]) it returns [object]…

hope you can shed light on this…

Answered at … ent&q=2642