How to make Custom CellType getTitle dynamic

I have a custom cell type that prompts the user to ‘approve’ a row. The initial tooltip on the cell of an unapproved row should be something like ‘Click to Approve’. Once the user clicks the cell, the row is then approved and the tooltip should be null.

It seems like the getTitle function is only called once. So, how do I change the title of the cell?

In the cell.onclick function I’ve tried to set the title directly, but that doesn’t seem to work:

this.setValue = function(val){

// Other Code here

this.cell.onclick = function(){

this.title = “test”; // Does not change the cell title…



It seems like the getTitle function is only called once.
Nope, the getTitle method of the cell is called each time when mouse is moved other the cell. ( it isn’t called if cell in question has title attribute in xml )

Also, you can handle the same scenario on higher level, by using onMouseOver event

if (some_rule(id))
grid.cells(id,ind).setAttribute(“titile”,“Not approved”);
return false; //will not have tooltip at all
return true;