how can I print the whole chart? When trying to print in the browser I always get a single page with only a part of the chart, but I never succeed in printing the whole chart. Scaling the print result to affects how much paper is needed for the part being printed, but does not affect how much of the chart is printed.
We are using version 3.1.0.
What can we do to get the whole chart printed?
The code must be self contained an cannot refer external resources. So I can not go this way.
there is a way to install export service locally (for an extra fee), check this post viewtopic.php?f=15&t=38343&p=119547&hilit=docker#p119547
If you want to user in-browser print, you can try this setting in order to display gantt layout without inner scroll bars
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api__gantt … onfig.html
It will expand gantt container to the required width, then you can try setting zoom level of the page to fit gantt on one printed page e.g.
@media print {
However, I didn’t test this solution and can’t tell for sure if this will work
The suggested style sheet has no effect on FF 32 and IE 11, but the scale functionality of the browser print now works if not set to “scale to fit” but set to an dedicated scale of 30% or whatever needed to really fit.
Additional question: Is there a way to calculate the best zoom factor to make it fit?
Our customer asks me about installing the export service locally.
How much is the extra fee? What are the system requirements for the export service?
Please check the information about local export packages here: dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … port.shtml
If you’re interested in any of them, please contact us at sales@dhtmlx.com