I was wondering if there is a way to save events straight to the XML file using the PHP scripting language, without the necessity of a database server, as mine is not working properly for some reason. I have found other ways to modify an XML file using PHP, but there is much scripting involved for me to implement it within the scheduler program, making things a bit complex. So I search for a less complicated method. Can someone help me out with this one
At the moment, everything is on localhost,
and database server (MySQL,MSSQL,(other))
is kind-of out of the question, temporarily, because
I broke them on a different project.
Please update this part when you do, so I can find the link to the area where you have put the solution, and I would appreciate that very much. Thanx! If I had to do that coding myself, things would have probably been pretty tough for me, since I am not very experienced with php just yet. There are a lot of things to go through, to edit this thing, and I like it… but that would’ve been pretty tough, I think. Thank you again.
It just work fine when you see the webpage for the first time.
When you create a new event or delete another one, save button is just a button with no action.
I need to be able to create ics file always. Any idea?
events.php does coneccion with data base and get all events from it.
I have the problem when I push save button after create or delete one or more events on calendar. Before create or delete, save button creates ics file but after that, it doesn’t work.
If I use example files with no modification, I get the same result. I am using xampp for uploading files
var dp = new dataProcessor("events.php");
Rest of things are same for both. Maybe it has some problem using recurrent events, is it possible? if there are any problem like this… has easy solution?
I haven’t said before but thanks for all time you are expending in helping me
I am trying now to export to ics file. I saw there a function already done to do that. But each time I change code to use that function instead xml function, it doens’t work.
What I have to change?
I change:
form.elements.data.value = scheduler.toXML(); in web page
in php for saving, I choose ics extension and no more changes.
I tried to change:
var form = document.getElementById(“xml_form”);
var form = document.getElementById(“ics_form”);
I have tried to use recurring.ZIP but I have a problem with loading XML file.
My browser is “google chrome”.
I change my schedule and close tab.
At that time my data seems to saved. (I checked file size.)
Then I try to restore the closed tab.
An alert box appears and say “Error type: LoadXML Description: Incorect XML”.
My “data.xml” file size became 0 byte.
Are you using exactly the same code of php file or with some modifications?
Locally the sample works correctly ( was checked in Chrome )
You can try to create a “dummy.html” file in the same folder as “xml_writer.php” ( content of file doesn’t matter )
Thank you for your response.
I use exactly the same php file with dummy.html file (empty file)
The sample works correctly in IE 6,7 / Firefox 3.6.
Uneasiness remains because I don’t know why it is crashed in chrome sometimes.
Anyway, I try to use it for a while.
Thank you.
One more suggestion , try to place some content inside dummy.html ( at least 1 kb of data)
dummy.html is used to prevent double call of data saving script, and Chrome can ignore html file with zero or less than 1kb size.