If a user (un)selects a checkbox on my grid the row that is selected doesn’t change. This behavior is the same when clicking on a link.
Here is an example:
row1 delete checkBox
row2 delete checkBox <-- currently selected
row3 delete checkBox
If a user went and clicked the delete link on row one the grid thinks it is dealing with the selected row (row 2).
Also if I were to select the checkBox on row3 the grid thinks it is row two.
Is there a way to set the row as soon as a cell elemented is selected?
If you are using inline javascript, then order of processing will be
a) inline javascript in cell
b) global event handler of grid
So the selection event will occur only after inner javascript event processed
>>Also if I were to select the checkBox on row3 the grid thinks it is row two
In case of checkbox ( column type ch ), you can receive ID of current row directly from event, without using getSelectedRow
//any custom code here
// id - ID of row for which checkbox state changed
return true;