How to set a height for dhtmlxGrid


I have declared the div tag like as

but in runtime it is showing like as

Please help me. I should avoid the auto height.

Thanks & Regards,


After dhtmlxGrid object is created it recalculate it’s container width and height depending on the browser dimensions and grid’s settings. If you resize browser height - grid will recalculate container’s height to prevent some visual problems


      How to controll the height of the dhtmlxgrid? Because above 3000 data is loading in that grid. I want to increase the speed. If scroll bar will come there then i can tune the performance. Please help me.

Thanks & Regards,

When height of grid is defined in percents, as in your case - height:38%; - you can control of container which is parent to the grid ( and grid will correctly take 38% from the height of its parent )

document.getElementById(“some”).style.height=“1000px”; //grid will take 38% as 380px
mygrid.setSizes(); // force update of the grid