How to set number format

My source code as below:

var pivot = new dhx.Pivot(“cont”, {
fields: {
rows: [‘category_name’],
columns: [{ id: “billing_date”, group: “dateByMonth” }],
values: [{ id: “total_net_price”, method: “sum” }],
fieldList: [
{ id: “category_name”, label: “<?php echo $this->lang->line('field_1_category_name') ?>” },
{ id: “billing_date”, label: “<?php echo $this->lang->line('field_1_billing_date') ?>”, type: “date”, format: “%d/%m/%Y”
, template: function (text, obj) {
return ‘’ + text + ‘
{ id: “total_net_price”, label: “<?php echo $this->lang->line('field_1_total_net_price') ?>”, numberFormat: “0,000.00” },
layout: {
rowsHeadersWidth: “auto”,
rowsWidth: 150,
gridOnly: true

I would like to set Number format by using numberFormat: “0,000.00”
But not work, please let me know how to fix it.

There is no numberFormnat property.
You may use the addMathMethod function to change the format of your data.
Here you can find a working example: … thods.html