How to show weeknumber in scheduler month view

I want to show the weeknumber in the first column of the month view of the scheduler.
How can I do that? See yellow line in below picture, there I want to show the week number.

Hello @Klaas-Jan_de_Groote ,

You can do it with the month_day template:

It may look like follows:

scheduler.templates.month_day = function(date){
  var week = Date(date));
  var dateToStr_func =;
  if(new Date(date).getDay() == 1){
  	return `<div class="abs"><p>${week}</p></div> ${dateToStr_func(date)}`
    return  dateToStr_func(date);

If you need an exact column with weeks, you can do it with additional CSS, here is an example(HTML/CODE tabs):