How to switch current edited cell?

I would like to know to switch current edited cell in a row?


On “onEditCell” on 2 cell switch editor to cell 1 edit when cell 1 is empty (cell 1 value is necessary for cell 2 editor).

I try this approach:

grid.attachEvent(“onEditCell”, function(stage,rowId,cIndex,nValue,oValue){    

             if(stage==0 && cIndex==1){

                 var ODD = grid.cellById(rowId,0).getValue();

                 if(ODD==’’) {

                     alert(“Fill cell 1 first!”);

grid.selectCell(grid.getRowIndex(rowId), 0, true, false, true, true);

                     return false;




Please try to change you code like that:

grid.attachEvent(“onEditCell”, function(stage,rowId,cIndex,nValue,oValue){
if(stage==0 && cIndex==1){
var ODD = grid.cellById(rowId,0).getValue();
if(ODD==’’) {
alert(“Fill cell 1 first!”);
grid.selectCell(grid.getRowIndex(rowId), 0, true, false, true, true);

return false;
else return true;