How to... (three questions)

Sorry for disturbing you but i am a little bit lost with the dhtmlxGantt component. So, i come here to ask you some help :slight_smile:.

Firstly, i would like to know how i could display the critical Path ?

Secondly, i would like to distinguish a task from a milestone or a deliverable in the Gantt. What i mean is : can we customize the display of a task bar by using another css style ?.

Thirdly, can we add columns to the Gantt tree view or combine a treegrid with a Gantt view in the read only mode?

Thanks you for your help :slight_smile: and have a good day.


Hello, thank you for your questions. They will help us to improve our product.
1,2) critical path - i believe, you want to display it using some different color (say red) for selected tasks. For the moment there is no specific function to do that. We are working on this already, but it will be only in the 1.5 version later.
3) also, we are working on the tree-grid part, in the 1.5 version we will have custom columns. Not yet available, sorry. Some time in April.


Sorry for disturbing you, however i would like to know if you could give me a date on the availibility of this new version.

Thanks you for your help and have a good day.



I would like to know if you can you answer to my question in the previous post :slight_smile: ?

Thanks you for your help and have a good day ^^

We will notify when new release will be available.

Thank you for your help.